Your bedroom should be a place where you feel soothed, rested and relaxed.
The bedroom interior design is extremely important in order to provide that instant feel of relaxation and comfortable atmosphere. The first thing that catches the eyes are the colors used on the walls, carpets and bed set so they all must be soothing in pastel colors in order to provide a relaxing effect. I like the bright colors as white, yellow, pink, blue and so on.
But the main source of light is a big...big window from the very floor to the very ceiling with the beautiful outlook.
The another important detail of interior is a big case with the mirrors. It would give the imagine of more open space. Besides it would contain the whole my stuff.
Also there must be many photos, the important moments of my life, many books and favorite music...=)
It can't be without the pillows different size and form.
Bedroom is the room where you can dream and rest of world.............
What kind of music and books do you prefer to keep in the bedroom?
ОтветитьУдалитьHow do u think, can anything be done if a bedroom is decorated in burgundy or other heavy colours?
I like the different kind of music, but especially popular music, something slow and romantic, but also sometimes I listen to rock music.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd yes, I think that everything can be done even if a bedroom is decorated in heavy colors.I also like white-black bedrooms very much.